
SVN Up and Running

The svn repository has been setup and it will replace the old CVS repository. Now the sources can be check out with the following: svn co wxPHP

Code Generator Fixes!

The generated code now compiles on 64 and 32 bits platforms without a need for modifications. A fix was introduced for this since developing on 64 bit platforms and regenerating wxWidgets headers xml reference using gccxml translated size_t into unsigned long int on function arguments, while on 32 bits the declaration needed was unsigned int. The generator was changed to replace unsigned long int declarations to size_t correctly fixing the compilation issue for each platform. The only change needed now to compile on windows is documented on the Building wxPHP on windows section.

New Community Forums!

We have finished setting up the community forums using the fabulous phpBB software.We hope you find it useful.

New windows alpha build

A new build can be found on the download section for the non thread safety VC9 x86 5.3.6 version of php. Everyone is welcome to test this new build. many new things have been implemented like wxAuiManager, wxAuiNoteBook and wxAuiToolBar support.Since this build was based on the gccxml output of linux some methods may be broken. We are working on separating the code generation of each platform. Until the next one!

Launched new wxPHP website

We have launched a new website. Stay tune for more updates!